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Back to News 27 June 2016

Adelaide businesses to benefit from ultra-fast internet

Adelaide businesses to benefit from ultra-fast internet

The 2016/17 State Budget will include $4.65 million to establish Adelaide as part of the Gig City network, offering businesses internet speeds of up to 100-times the national average, and at least 10 times the download speed of the National Broadband Network.

The network will make Adelaide the first Gig City in Australia and the capital of ultra-fast internet for business, attracting investment from high tech global companies, as well as creating jobs in future industries.

The network will provide affordable one gigabit connections, with speeds of up to ten gigabits per second available if businesses invest in additional end-user technology.

Gig City will use the existing SABRENet optical fibre network, and will be rolled out at Tonsley, Technology Park, Techport, Thebarton BioScience Precinct, St Paul’s Creative Centre, the Majoran Co-working Space, Hub Adelaide, and the Stretton Centre.

It is expected roll out of the Gig City network will begin by the end of 2016.

Premier Jay Weatherill said having access to ultra-fast internet will drive significant economic development and job creation opportunities, and will embed South Australia as a leading centre for innovation and entrepreneurship.

By building the infrastructure of the future, innovative and high-tech businesses will want to establish and relocate to Adelaide from around the world to take advantage of the ultra-fast internet speeds.

Growth through innovation is one of the Government’s 10 Economic Priorities and the Gig City Program will help start-ups, larger industries, as well as helping the two come together.

Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis said Gig City is one of a suite of measures the State Government is introducing to modernise our economy as we transition away from traditional manufacturing and towards high-tech businesses and jobs.

He added that South Australians have a spirit of entrepreneurship and we have seen Adelaide thrive as a hotbed of innovation in recent years.

By giving tech startups and other businesses access to ultra-fast internet through the Gig City program, we can help those new businesses grow faster and attract entrepreneurs to South Australia who want to tap into the infrastructure and business environment we are creating.

Science and Information Economy Minister Kyam Maher said the State Government is committed to supporting those innovative businesses and industries that will underpin the state’s economy and create local jobs for the future.

The Adelaide Gig City Program will help make South Australia the most connected place in the Southern Hemisphere and, coupled with the vibrant culture of our CBD, the default location for Australia’s best and brightest to start a high tech company.

The State Government is negotiating with US Ignite – a US-based non-profit organisation that promotes the development of applications and services for ultra-fast broadband networks – which would enable Adelaide-based Gig City businesses to collaborate and share information with their American counterparts.

The Gig City program also supports Adelaide’s leadership position as a Smart City, and Cisco’s only Lighthouse City in Australia.


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