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Back to News 17 March 2023

Discover the Exciting World of STEM at Tonsley Science Fair

The next generation of curious minds will descend on Tonsley Innovation District on 19 March as it hosts the annual Tonsley Science Fair – a STEM extravaganza packed with science demonstrations and brain-teasing challenges just for kids.

Hosted by popular South Australian science educators, The Science Collective, the fair is designed to inspire young South Australians to become more inquisitive about the world around them and to keep asking questions like ‘why is it so?’ and ‘how does it work?’.

Aimed at families with primary school-aged children, the science fair promises plenty of hands-on activities and interactive exhibitions including rocket making and launching, bridge building, marshmallow and spaghetti tower challenges, and an electric circuit challenge.

Technology will be a strong focus throughout the fair with robotics featuring in the Techspace Learning and Roboroos interactive displays, in addition to the popular virtual reality experience offered by IgniteVR.

“No Science Collective event would ever be complete without a slime making bar. So yes, the younger kids will get messy as usual but this time with a learning component. Three science shows per session aim to engage all age groups with a dash of magic, dinosaurs and chemistry demonstrations. Just an amazing three hours of full-on science engagement,” Brian Haddy, Director of The Science Collective, said.

Renewal SA General Manager, Project Delivery and Property, Todd Perry said Tonsley – as a hub for STEM education and work – was the perfect backdrop for the science fair.

"This event provides two-way benefit to South Australia by actively demonstrating to children the possibilities that exist for them on their doorstep while also assisting with future talent attraction to Tonsley and retention of talent within the state more broadly."

Renewal SA General Manager, Project Delivery and Property, Todd Perry

“It also attracts a new cohort of people to Tonsley who may not have yet discovered the vibrant ecosystem and hub of innovation it has become.”

The Tonsley Science Fair is made possible through the support of the Tonsley community, including Renewal SA, Flinders University, Micro-X, and RoboRoos.

Renewal SA’s STEM Works program runs regular STEM tours at Tonsley Innovation District in partnership with STEM Fast Track. These free walking tours introduce school students aged 7 to 18 to the possibility of a career in STEM, by taking them behind the scenes of Tonsley’s high-tech businesses and connecting them to key industry players. Since 2019, STEM Works and Children’s University tours of Tonsley have inspired 1,659 students.

This year’s science fair runs over two sessions:

· 10:00am to 1:00pm

· 1.30pm to 4.30pm

To keep the event affordable for the families, the fair is FREE for children under the age of 16 for the first time. The cost of adult tickets has also been reduced to $8.

For more information about the Tonsley Science Fair and to book tickets visit

For more information about Renewal SA’s STEM tours of Tonsley visit STEM Works Tonsley Tours


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