The 2020 SA Climate Leaders Awards are open now. These awards showcase the innovative work across South Australia in responding and adapting to climate change, and build our reputation as a climate-smart state.
An initiative of the Premier’s Climate Change Council, nominations are invited from community, business and industry, and government – with $10,000 awarded to one overall winner.
In 2018 the overall prize was awarded to Wattle Range Council for their innovative work developing an adaptation plan for Southend in the states south-east. The $10,000 contributed to the implementation of the plan, including modelling, monitoring and implementing managed retreat options for this important section of coast line.
Other previous winners include Associate Professor Seth Westra for inspiring future leaders in sustainability and climate risk; 2XE consulting firm for helping businesses towards ‘net zero’ goals; and CORENA for their continued trailblazing to help not-for-profits access renewable energy.
Entries must be submitted online by 5pm Friday 18 December, with all winners to be announced at an event in early 2021.
For more information visit the website.
Did you know that Cleantech and Renewable Energy is one of Tonsley’s four focus sectors?
With South Australia being known as a climate-smart state, Tonsley has become a cornerstone for renewable energy innovation. Tonsley is home to a number of businesses leading the way in this growing sector. Check out who is leading the way in this sector at Tonsley.
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