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Back to News 9 November 2015

Tonsley precinct under the sustainability spotlight

Tonsley precinct under the sustainability spotlight

The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) – the peak body of industry and professional organisations working towards a sustainable built environment in Australia – is today meeting in Adelaide for the first time.

The group learnt of the latest developments at the Tonsley sustainability precinct, as well as South Australia’s leadership in renewable energy and resource efficiency, carbon reduction, high performing 6 Star homes and industrial innovation.

Speaking at the event, Sustainability, Environment and Conservation Minister Ian Hunter said Tonsley was recently recognised as a world leader in environmentally sustainable design and building practices, after being awarded the 6 Star Green Star – Communities certification.

“Tonsley’s 6 Star Green Star accreditation is an unprecedented milestone for the South Australian building industry, and it’s great we could highlight this at today’s ASBEC meeting,” he said.

“Tonsley is Australia’s only urban renewal development to achieve this level of certification, and is a testament to the world-class design principles which have guided the redevelopment of the former Mitsubishi site.”

Mr Hunter said South Australia’s climate change strategy and Carbon Neutral Adelaide initiative provided a good base for discussion at the meeting, ahead of the State Government’s key role at the upcoming COP21 climate conference in Paris.

“In February the State Government announced its ambition for Adelaide to become the world’s first carbon neutral city,” he said.

“We are working in partnership with the Adelaide City Council to make that happen.

“We are determined to make Adelaide a showcase city for sustainable and energy efficient construction, renewables and clean technology, to attract industry investment and create new jobs.

“The world is heading towards a low-carbon economy; businesses, such as banks and energy companies, are making commitments to decarbonise and help limit global temperature rises.

“South Australia is poised to continue its leadership in climate policy as well as capitalise on the opportunities to be had from embracing a low carbon economy.

“Today’s conference is a recognition of South Australia’s efforts and an opportunity to showcase the good work being done in our State.

Delegates toured the precinct ahead of their meeting which is being held at Tonsey TAFE’s Building Design and Construction Training Hub.


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