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Tonsley Future Energy Consortium


C/o EfficientSee
Tonsley Innovation District
G15 Main Assembly Building
6 MAB Eastern Promenade
Tonsley SA 5042

Tonsley Future Energy Consortium
Powering the future of energy

By 2030, worldwide energy consumption is expected to increase by 40%.

This future will be powered by the renewable energy solutions innovative businesses of today are already working on – and how these innovations work together will determine how sustainable this future will be.

Sharing and industry leadership are the new currency for power and influence in business. The power of more is being harnessed by the Tonsley Future Energy Consortium (TFEC) at Tonsley Innovation District who are working together to meet the energy demands of the future.

EfficientSee founder Quentin Roberts, who was a driving force in the creation of the TFEC said “We are putting businesses that we have a relationship with through the consortium in front of our own clients to create new opportunities for each other.”

Current members of the Tonsley Future Energy Consortium are:

Members of the Tonsley Future Energy Consortium


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